Thursday, May 22, 2014

Update on Shawn-from-the-Gym and Pentecostals

Nothing beats camp pizza, especially not THIS one after the "hike from hell" in Utah.  Speaking of pizza, I'm in dire need for one at Indy Ale.

I was WISHING this might be sometime soon with "Shawn from the Gym" but maybe not anytime soon.

Last night, I went to Paddy's after the gym.  Lo and behold was R, one of Shawn's best friends.  So I joined R and his buddy, but Shawn wasn't there.  Apparently, he goes out with his dad every Wednesday night to the American Legion for their buffet dinner.  How sweet, right?  Sigh.

So R. and I were talking when I thought I'd double check once more to see if Shawn was single since my favorite bartender reported that, yes, he was.  Doesn't hurt to double check, right?

"Sooooooo, is Shawn seeing anyone?" I asked at just the right time since R. and I were discussing dating in general.

"Yeah, he is but he's really guarded about the whole thing."
"Huh?  Why's that?" I asked, my heart sinking.  R went on to explain that Shawn had been married for 7 years to the love of his life whom he worshipped, but a few years ago, she dumped him for another man, and it broke his heart.

OK, but wait.  Nikki told me that he was SINGLE and NOT seeing anyone.

AND, my friend from the gym is Shawn's best friend's uncle's sister, if you follow all that, and she said that his best friend said, "Shawn is OPEN to seeing people."  This straight from his bestie.  He didn't say, "Shawn isn't seeing anyone," but rather " . . . Open to seeing people," wtf.  At the time, earlier this past winter, the arrangement of words struck me as odd.

Sooooooooooo, what gives?

Is he just seeing someone to NOT be alone like my ex is doing?  The old "______ is better than being all alone," song and dance?  Is he just "seeing someone" but not steady?

What does all this mean?

The plot thickens.  In the meantime, I have a Pentecostal interested in me, me a beer-swilling party animal.

This  is gonna get interesting.  Stay tuned.

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